Monday, March 9, 2015

Learning to write again

In the past few weeks, I'm am learning to write again. I recall handwriting becoming oddly difficult as we transitioned into 100% cursive writing for the year. I'd love to see my earliest writings. I chalked all this up to "It's just hard to write in cursive anyway."  This SPS like working diagnosis is getting better and better. I have a follow up appt on the 11th. Cheers.


  1. #givethanks Thank you.
    With regards to Healthcare, keep in the know. MRIs show hip and low back indicators, not my imagination.

    WRT further specifics on SPS or RARE diseases, persist and persist. Live to see another day! My tongue will be loosed if my hand will not cooperate. This may be a childhood indicator, but manageable early if the patient (me) is willing to undergo counseling in your struggles. #beacon OfHOPE
