Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Neurology, MRI, Blood work, EEG, Stanford, UCSF

Today (7/15/2014) I visited my doctor in regards to the recent MRI's and blood tests.

I'm still wrapping my head around the cranial MRI (no pun intended). It's largely normal, and I'm not sure what to make of some of the notes in the report. My followup is pretty clear there is more work to do.

The blood work is good. No Vitamin D3 deficiency as before. Most of Americans are rightly afraid of skin cancer and sun exposure. Vitamin D milk (among your normal diet) is likely not enough. I'm just over twice the limit on Vitamin B6 (water soluble) which can lead to nerve damage. Sugar levels are right at the limit. High levels of sugar in the blood can lead to blood vessel and nerve damage (as in diabetic neuropathy).

EEG. I know they want a copy of my brain. I'm that good. ;)

I'm also on the waiting list for Stanford and UCSF.